Every business faces financial risks. There are risks that you are able to assume financially and risks in which the loss could weaken your business or even cause it to close.
The success of your business depends on a thorough assessment of risk and the transfer of unacceptable risk to an insurance company. Following are descriptions of two common types of small business insurance.
Business Owner’s Policy
This policy typically comes as a package policy and covers the risk of interruption of business, property damage (fire, theft, etc.) and liability for both product and injury.
Workers’ Compensation Policy
Workers compensation is the best protection an employer can provide the employee. It covers the on-the-job injuries and work related illnesses for insured employees and can also provide coverage for contractors and sub-contractors. Workers’ compensation also covers the insured for employee liability.
Let us assist you in minimizing your business financial risk.
We provide risk management for:
- Contractors
- Manufacturers
- Transportation Companies
- Businesses